sharon coleman conflict as a doorway

Conflict as a Doorway to Radical Connection

A Four-Part Series with Sharon Coleman, Ph.D.

How can we use the tensions that arise in ourselves, and between people, as the raw material to build bridges of connection and healing?



  • Unpack your reactivity and discover your most cherished values
  • Embrace radical empathy for yourself and others
  • Speak your truth with kindness so the other person can really hear you

Conflict as a Doorway to Change Workshop

An engaging and adept speaker, Sharon uses stories, examples and humor to bring her teachings alive. A clinical psychologist deeply engaged in mindfulness practice, she weaves this wisdom with her solid grounding in Nonviolent Communication.

The Workshop Series

4 Sessions, Every Other Sunday
Oct. 27, Nov. 10,
Nov. 24, Dec. 8, 2019

$250.00 for the series


Introductory Session

Mason Library
Great Barrington

Tuesday, September 17
5:30 – 7:00PM

RSVP Today


What People are Saying

Lev Natan

I have less stress and more confidence when I need to have a difficult conversation with someone.  And, I am also more able to shift thought patterns and negative communication habits in the moment. Most importantly, we stopped feeling the need to go to a couples’ therapist, because we are confident that we can handle our communication on our own.

Lev Natan


Sharon Coleman is a master of letting a class know where she’s heading with them and keeping them on track. And I applaud the overall objective of learning how to express oneself authentically without making the other person wrong. I will admit that the goal is a not easy to achieve, but there are enough little successes along the way to keep making the effort.

I recommend giving yourself the opportunity to hear and to practice (in a safe environment) Sharon’s ideas for changing your approach in dealing with the people in your life!

Lenox, MA

P. Slattery

Since taking “Conflict as a Doorway to Radical Connection,” I feel more connected to my feelings and needs and able to communicate more honestly and clearly with others. I’ve also found I’m less reactive in the moment, and more able to ask others about what they’re feeling & needing (and listen!). I’m experiencing less drama, less stress and more connection. Sharon is so skillful and relaxed in her approach to teaching NVC—it just sunk in!

P. Slattery
Pittsfield, MA

Larry Strauss

Sharon Coleman offers a very interesting and informative course. We all have to deal with this issue as we advance through life. It provides a construct for dealing with difficult relationships in all aspects of our lives, and it provides a framework for moving ahead in a positive manner. It is very much worthy of consideration.

Larry Strauss
Lenox, MA


These tools are simple and effective and Sharon delivers them in such an inviting, deep, and fun way!  I am amazed to find how much more skillful I am about navigating my own emotional world and how I can extend that same compassion to all my relationships.

Sheffield, MA

Susie Kaufman

I have an increased capacity for gratitude, forgiveness and acceptance. Even in these very challenging times, I experience a quiet presence in the face of the noise of the world…..

Susie Kaufman
Stockbridge, MA

Jesse Carter

This workshop broadened and deepened my emotional awareness and communication, and has continued to enrich the relationships I hold most dearly in my life. It has also served to bridge a divide with those people with whom I struggle to connect.

Jesse Carter
Great Barrington, MA

Deb Koffman

Has made me clear and KIND in asking for what I want. Her workshops could benefit teens, parents, corporate America, anyone with a heart!

Deb Koffman
Housatonic, MA